Don’t Be a Victim of Corrupt or Unscrupulous Financial Planners/Advisors

A late night news story on a Metro Detroit television station last night tells the tale of a couple (and others) robbed of their retirement by their financial adviser-here’s a link:

Some of you may have seen this video last night, got up, checked your online accounts, and wondered how you can avoid being an unwitting victim of an unscrupulous financial adviser or planner. Everyone would do well to heed the advice given at the end of the video.

Last year, I sent out a message on how you can avoid being Madoff’ed (see below), a reference to the New York investment adviser who bilked his clients, charities and investors of billions of their hard earned money. Bernie Madoff is currently spending a 150 year sentence in a Federal prison and his possessions are being auctioned off to repay a mere fraction of his victims’ losses.  I also sent out a message with Five Tips to Avoid Potential Investment Fraud (link below).

So what do we do at YDream Financial Services to help you sleep better and know that you’ll never become a victim of financial fraud? In cooperation with our custodian, TD Ameritrade Institutional, we have processes and procedures in place to ensure that you never become a victim to the extent that it is within our control.  In fact, I’ve written two short articles on this blog over the past couple of years that will help you rest easier knowing that your money is safe, sound and well protected:

How Consumers Can Avoid Being “Madoff’ed”

Five Tips to Avoid Potential Investment Fraud

I urge you to review these short two articles whether you are a client or not and protect what you’ve worked so hard to save and invest. If you have any question or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me (visit my website at I will explain further how we take extreme measures to not only protect your money, but your personal and confidential information as well. Your trust in me is the most valuable asset I hold; I will work extremely hard to protect it.

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